Guitar club started back in 2010 with just a few members, and we've been growing steadily each year. We get more and more players, who get more and more people interested in the instrument. Those people end up wanting to learn, and come here to play. Our no judgement rule really attracts people who want to learn, but are afriad of being critisized over their developing skills. We want them to learn, and provide nice, constructive critisism that makes them feel better about wanting to learn more.
Advisor / Club Owner
Mr. Moffitt is the owner of the club, and organized the meeting times, dates, and often comes up with the criteria of what will be done during said meetings. This can range from events, to getting more people, figuring out what song everyone wants to learn, or getting one on one time with each member to help them improve. This strategy is very effective in critiquing the method of the player, and seeing what he/she can improve upon.